5 Ways to Get Rid of Headaches Without Chemical Drugs

5 Ways to Get Rid of Headaches Without Chemical Drugs

5 Ways to Get Rid of Headaches Without Chemical Drugs - Headaches are indeed very disturbing, especially if the level of pain is strong enough. The more inconvenient if the headache is present when we are busy taking care of the work, while, taking medicine will actually make us sleepy and sleep.

Headaches are divided into two types, namely primary headache (primary headache) and secondary headache (secondary headache). The primary headache is a headache that is not a symptom of a particular disease, but is caused due to various activities such as stress, lack of food, sleep deprivation, sleep or improper sitting position, nervous tension, poor blood flow, and the like. Meanwhile, secondary headache is a symptom of a certain serious illness. Migraine, head and neck feels tense and cluster headache is a type of primary headache.

Many cases of headaches are headache type headaches. Here are 5 easy ways to overcome headaches without drug help.

1. Massage in a special area. According to Mehmet Oz & Michael Orizen in the book "YOU: Being Beautiful", if a headache, try massaging the parts, the temple area, or also at the point behind the ears under the large bones.

2. Massage in the finger area can also overcome a primary headache, namely in the valley of the meeting between the thumb with the index finger. Look for the point if the pain is depressed, then massage slowly until the headache is reduced. Can also massage the second segment of the index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger slowly.

3. Drinking water, and drink enough. Could be, headache caused due to dehydration.

4. Ginger is also a natural herb that can reduce headaches. So also with cloves. Take a piece of ginger, crushed, then boiled with water and mixed with some cloves. Drink when warm.

5. Bathe and wash hands while gently massaging the head. Can also do creambath at the nearest salon.

Perform relaxation in the form of stretching and breathing. Some movements that can be done include:
  • Raise your hands up, then tie your fingers and drag to the right, left, front and back respectively 8 counts, while adjusting your breathing.
  • Put your hands behind your head, then push your head until bending forward, back, right and left respectively 8 counts, while regulating breathing.
  • Sit down, then kiss your knees as best you can, in 8 counts. Do it several times when regulating breathing.
5 Easy Ways to Overcome Headaches Without Drugs These chemicals have been shown to have severe headaches. Will, if the headache continues to feel, come to the nearest doctor for review. Good luck!

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