8 How to Cure Vertigo at Home
8 How to Cure Vertigo at Home - Vertigo is a feeling of dizziness that occurs in the absence of accompanying movements. Vertigo is caused by the senses that tell the brain that the body is out of balance, when in fact it is not. Vertigo is a symptom of an underlying condition, not a diagnosis. This could be the result of several different things.
Some types of vertigo will only occur once, and some types will continue to recur until the underlying condition is discovered. One of the most common types of vertigo is called benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV). BPPV is caused by deposits that accumulate in the inner ear, which navigates the sense of balance of the body.
Vestibular neuritis, stroke, head or neck injuries, and Meniere's disease are other conditions that can cause vertigo. Vertigo attacks can occur suddenly and last for a few seconds or longer. If you have severe vertigo, the symptoms may be constant and last for several days, making normal life very difficult.
If you experience vertigo at home suddenly, you need knowledge to overcome it. For, that, the following are some home remedies that can be used as a way to deal with vertigo effectively and safely, quoting from Healthline.
Epley Maneuvers & Semont-Toupet Maneuvers
1. Epley Maneuver
The first way to overcome vertigo is with an epley maneuver. Also called the repositioning maneuver "Canalith", the Epley maneuver is the first strategy for many people who have vertigo. Research shows that the Epley maneuver is very effective for people with BPPV. You can perform this maneuver at home by following the following simple procedure:
- Start by sitting upright on a flat surface, with a pillow behind you and with your legs outstretched.
- Turn the head 45 degrees to the right.
- With your head still upright, immediately lie down with your head on the pillow. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds.
- Slowly turn your head to the left, a full 90 degrees, without lifting the neck.
- Involve the whole body, turn it to the left so that you are completely on the left side.
- Slowly return to its original position, look forward and sit upright.
You can also have someone help perform the Epley maneuver by pointing your head according to the steps outlined above. It can be repeated three times in a row, and will feel dizzy during each movement.
2. Semont-Toupet Maneuver
The second way to fix vertigo is with the Semont-Toupet Maneuver. The Semont-Toupet maneuver is a series of similar movements that you can perform at home to treat vertigo. This maneuver is less well known, but some studies claim it is as effective as the Epley maneuver. The Semont-Toupet Maneuver is very similar to the Epley Maneuver, but requires less flexibility of the neck. How;
- Start by sitting upright on a flat surface, with a pillow behind you and with your legs outstretched.
- Lie down, turn right, and look to the left side, look up.
- Quickly sit down and rotate to the left side, with the head facing left. You will now look down at the ground.
- Slowly return to its original position, look forward and sit upright.
Exercise Brandt-Daroff & Gingko biloba
3. Brandt-Daroff Workout
The third way to overcome vertigo is with The Brandt-Daroff Exercise. This exercise is most often recommended for people with vertigo to do at home, as it is easy to do without supervision. However, you should not do Brandt-Daroff exercises unless you are in a safe place and will not drive for a while, as doing so can trigger an increase in dizziness for a short time.
- Start by sitting on a flat surface, with your legs dangling like when sitting on a chair.
- Turn your head as far as possible to the left side, then put the head and body on your right side. Legs try not to move, not to move for 30 seconds.
- Sit down and turn your head back to the middle position.
- Repeat the exercise on the opposite side by turning your head as far as possible to the right side, then lying on your left side.
- You can perform this exercise in 5 sets of repetitions and repeat it as much as 3 times a day, twice a week.
4. Gingko biloba
The fourth way to overcome vertigo is with Gingko biloba. Ginkgo biloba has been studied for its effects on vertigo and has proven to be just as effective as leading prescription drugs for treating vertigo. Gingko biloba extract can be purchased in liquid as well as capsule form. Consuming 240 milligrams of ginkgo biloba daily will reduce the symptoms of vertigo and make you feel more balanced.
Stress Management & Yoga and Tai Chi
5. Stress Management
The fifth way to deal with vertigo is with stress management. Some of the conditions that cause vertigo, including Meniere's disease, can be triggered by stress. Developing coping strategies to cope with stressful states can reduce episodes of vertigo.
Practicing meditation and deep breathing techniques is a good and appropriate start to start. Long-term stress is not something you can just go through, and often stressors are not things you can eliminate from life. Being aware of what is causing stress can reduce your vertigo symptoms.
6. Yoga and tai chi
The sixth way to overcome vertigo is with yoga and tai chi. Yoga and tai chi are known to reduce stress while improving flexibility and balance. Physical therapy carried out in an outpatient setting trains the brain to compensate for the causes of vertigo, and exercise performed at home can mimic this effect.
Try simple yoga poses, such as child's pose and corpse pose, when feeling dizzy. Be careful of the position of bending forward suddenly, as it can make the symptoms of vertigo feel stronger for a while.
Adequate Hydration & Vitamin D
7. Adequate Hydration
The seventh way to overcome vertigo is to ensure that the body is properly and sufficiently hydrated. Sometimes vertigo is caused by simple dehydration. Reducing sodium intake can help reduce attacks of vertigo. But the best way to stay hydrated is to drink plenty of water.
Monitor your daily water intake and try to consider hot, humid, and sweaty conditions that might make you lose extra body fluids. Drink more water if you have a condition that tends to be prone to dehydration. Drinking enough water turns out to be an easy way to help reduce episodes of vertigo.
8. Vitamin D
The eighth way to overcome vertigo is to take enough vitamin D. A study shows that vitamin D deficiency can worsen symptoms in people suffering from BPPV, the most common cause of vertigo. A glass of fortified milk or orange juice, canned tuna, and egg yolk can help increase vitamin D levels in the body.
Ask the doctor to check the level of vitamin D in the body, so as to know how much vitamin D level is needed and in what form you should take it, whether in the form of fresh food or vitamin supplements.
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