The 10 Fastest Ways To Cure Stomach Ulcers
The 10 Fastest Ways To Cure Stomach Ulcers - An ulcer is a chronic disease that is often underestimated. As a result, many people do not heed the right way to deal with an ulcer and their disease is getting worse. Beware, yes!
Because there are so many people who have stomach ulcers, there are also many people who underestimate this one disease.
In fact, just like other types of diseases, stomach ulcers can also be deadly for sufferers.
Generally, the symptoms of an ulcer do not feel different as with ordinary abdominal pain.
However, if it continues to be allowed, then over time this disease can get worse and it is not impossible to also damage vital organs such as the stomach.
Instead of being ignored and underestimated, it is better to try the following effective and effective ways to overcome an ulcer so that the ulcer disease that is felt quickly subsides, let's go.
10 Ways to Overcome An Ulcer Effectively and Quickly
1. Reduce Sugar Intake
Chronic stomach ulcers often arise, one of which is because the intake of sugar entering the body is too excessive.
Guka, which is made from glucose and fructose, contains compounds that can damage the body's metabolism.
In the process, the compounds contained in sugar are very difficult to process digestion as a result of this aggravating the symptoms of the ulcer felt.
Therefore, the first way to deal with an ulcer is to control sugar levels.
2. Limit Foods That Contain High Gas
When an ulcer recurs, the body is filled with acidic gases that make us often suffer from pain.
Therefore, reducing foods that contain high gases is one of the ways to overcome an ulcer whose results are very effective.
Some types of foods that contain high gas include durian, cabbage, cassava, to dried fruits.
If forced to eat foods with high gas, eating stomach conditions will get worse and make us suffer even more.
3. How to Overcome an Ulcer with Gum
Is it true that chewing gum can be used as a way to deal with stomach ulcers? How?
Believe it or not, eating chewing gum can actually reduce the symptoms of an ulcer significantly, you know!
When experiencing an ulcer, stomach acid levels increase and cause pain for the sufferer.
Chewing gum can help increase saliva production which can help neutralize stomach acid levels for a better stomach.
4. Eat Small Portions to Overcome an Ulcer
Ulcer disease arises often due to irregular habits or diet.
The more irregular the eating schedule, the worse the ulcer condition will be felt and it is not impossible to turn into a chronic ulcer.
If you want to treat a stomach ulcer that is hardened, you also need to improve your diet.
No need to eat a lot at a time.
Instead, try to eat on time with small portions so that you can eat a little more often than usual.
Do not forget to also eat slowly and chew food well to help ease the work of the stomach.
5. Don't Lie Down Immediately After Eating
One other bad habit that contributes to the aggravation of the stomach ulcers that are felt is...
Lie down immediately or lie down after eating.
Why is this dangerous?
If you lie down immediately after eating, the performance of the intestines will be disturbed, triggering the appearance of ulcer symptoms.
The way to deal with an ulcer that must be done is not just not to lie down immediately after eating.
You should give a pause of one to two hours for light activities such as walking, so that the performance of the stomach and intestines is smoother.
6. How to Overcome an Ulcer with Avocado
In addition to improving diet and daily routines, there are also ways to overcome an ulcer with certain types of consumption.
For example, by eating avocado.
Yes, besides being delicious, avocado fruit also turns out to contain important compounds to treat stomach ulcers.
These compounds can help the regeneration process of cells in the wounded stomach wall to recover quickly.
If you want a better result, try drinking it in the form of avocado juice.
7. Avoid Spicy Foods
People who have stomach ulcers are also many who do not know that spicy food can aggravate the pain felt.
Spicy foods, especially those containing capsaicin can aggravate stomach ulcers because they damage the lining of the stomach and stomach.
The injured stomach not only aggravates the perceived ulcer, but also adds to the pain in the abdominal area.
For people with acute ulcers or chronic ulcers, reducing spicy food is a way to overcome an ulcer that is very mandatory to live.
8. How to Overcome an Ulcer by Eating Bananas
Not only avocado, banana fruit can also be a natural remedy that is very effective for relieving stomach ulcers.
As you already know, banana fruit is one of the fruits with the most properties because it has an excellent content.
Bananas are also proven to be very beneficial for the stomach because they have a pH level of 5.6 which is close to normal pH levels.
The pH level is what helps improve the stomach ulcers felt by neutralizing your stomach acid.
9. Overcoming an Ulcer by Reducing Fatty Foods
Fatty foods can also be considered a taboo for those of you who suffer from stomach ulcers.
How come this food is also banned?
Foods with a high fat content are not recommended to be consumed by ulcer sufferers because it is quite difficult and even long to process the stomach.
If it is still consumed, do not be surprised that fatty foods will provoke symptoms of an ulcer and even aggravate the pain.
10. Must Quit Smoking!
If you suffer from stomach ulcers and are also an active smoker, then you should immediately stop smoking right now.
All parties have very clearly shown how bad the dangers of cigarettes are to health.
Not only cancer, lung disease, and fetal disorders, even the dangers of smoking also aggravate the symptoms of an ulcer, lo!
In addition to the toxins it causes, cigarette smoke can also worsen stomach acid levels that cause ulcers in your body.
Come on, from now on, also stop smoking!
The Most Common Ulcer Symptoms to Know
In addition to understanding how to overcome an ulcer so that it no longer recurs, you also need to know what are the symptoms of an ulcer that often arise.
This is very important to know, especially for those of you who do not know for sure whether you have stomach ulcers or not.
Knowledge of the symptoms of an ulcer can be an early indication to predict whether what is felt is a stomach ulcer or not.
Next, you can do a self-examination of your body and make sure that what is felt is stomach ulcer disease.
If you are sure that what you feel is a symptom of an ulcer, then immediately see a doctor.
Here are some common ulcer symptoms that are often felt:
- Extreme abdominal pain
- Difficulty swallowing food
- Pain in the solar plexus
- Nausea and frequent vomiting
- Pain in the chest like burning
- Flatulence full of gas
- Mouth tastes sour or bitter
- Frequent belching
- Quickly feel full
- Not feeling bad stomach after eating
Natural Stomach Ulcer Medicines That Can Be Tried at Home
Often the symptoms of an ulcer arise suddenly at inopportune times (there is never a right time either, right?)
If this happens and you are not holding an ulcer medicine from a doctor, there are several things that can be done as a solution.
You can try the following natural stomach ulcer remedies:
- Drinking chamomile tea
- Making ginger boiled water
- Licorice boiled water
- Eating lean milk
- Reduces caffeine and alcohol
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